What’s the power of ‘Online Games’ over our students? Why do they like playing these games? Who are the students who prefer learning through ICT than through other teaching tools? When do students spend time online? Where do students access the internet or web? Which sites are more interesting to students? How do students access the information available to them on the Net?
As teachers have we asked ourselves these questions? What are we doing to protect our students from ‘Cyber Bullying’, ‘Paedophiles’ and other dangerous elements out in the Cyber world? Are we doing our utmost in terms of ‘Duty of Care’ or are we turning a blind eye to our students’ safety once we leave school?
At MacLeod College, I had the opportunity to sit through a presentation by a DEECD trainer on ‘Web Safety for Students’. That was an ‘eye-opener’ or should I say ‘eye-popper’ for me. I never knew words like ‘sex-ting’, ‘flashing’, etc. Neither did I know that most students as young as 13 have a Facebook account. The first question that popped into my mind was, “Why would these kids need a Facebook account?” I can understand adults wanting to keep in touch with each other since they live in busy worlds or worlds apart. But why would students who see each other every day want a ‘Social Network’ address?
The answer lies in the question. Students now want to ‘socialise’ at all times since they feel isolated and lonely. The following reasons were given by students for being on the Net at unearthly hours:
- Need to socialise
- Need for a new identity
- Need to escape from family- or school- related problems
- Feeling of power over one’s destiny
- Feeling of power over another person
I don’t know whether the students realised the importance of protecting themselves, but I sure understood the importance of protecting them. My father says, “Children will be children because they believe that the adults will protect them at all times.” I believe in what he says. It is our duty to protect the students who come to us for education or learning of ‘life skills’.
I believe in what Greg said in his presentation on ‘Protection of students online’. I will be following the same process to ensure that my future students are aware of the dangers out there on the Net. I know that it is not possible to prevent them from using the Net. But it is possible to create an awareness of how to protect themselves from ‘Cyber Crimes’.
The process is as follows:
Lead: Through cyber policies and procedures, help students to understand the importance of protecting themselves. These policies and procedures need to be in place before students and staff can access information using the school’s network system.
Educate: This is done through presentations, discussions, constant reminders, brochures, posters etc that will help them to question themselves and their actions. As teachers we need to remember that we are responsible for the safety of our students.
Manage: It is imperative that we manage our network systems. For this to happen, we would need an excellent ICT support system in place. Also, we would need to educate our students on appropriate and inappropriate websites, pictures, advertisements, etc so that they can keep us informed if any inappropriate material gets through the ‘Firewalls’ and other ‘Spam S/W’.
Also, we would require a support system in terms of counselling if students access information that is inappropriate using the school’s network systems.
Support: Provide adequate support in terms of S/W and H/W knowledge and use to students, staff, parents and other members of the education community so that every one’s aware of technology that students may or may not access while learning. As teachers it is imperative that we are aware of not only ‘learning based S/W and H/W’ but also other S/W and H/W dealing with games, social websites, etc so as to have a heads-up on what our students access.
Empower: ‘Knowledge is empowerment’. As stated above, “it is imperative that we are aware of what our students’ access”. Constant updates on information, PD’s on Cyber information, discussions, etc can empower teachers, parents and students to become aware of how to use the Net safely.
Participate: It is important the not only students and staff but also other members of the community such as parents are aware of the internet, intranet and ultranet. Awareness is the key to knowing how to use the cyber resources available to them in a responsible manner.
At the end of the day, as teachers, we can only hope that students and parents realise the dangers out there in the Cyber world. This realisation will create awareness on how to use the Net in a safe manner. The policies and procedures set in place for Cyber use are not there to deter people from the Net but are there to ensure that they have the upper-hand at all times when it comes to being tech-savvy.