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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Inspiration and Aboriginal Stories

Today, we will be looking at the use of aboriginal stories and how to incorporate that into Inspiration.

Greg asked us to visit the following website where there was a plethora of aboriginal stories: www.abc.net.au/dustechoes

However, he did state that we needed to be careful about the stories since some of them might not be acceptable to all age groups. Some of the stories involved children either being eaten or murdered.

So, I realise that as a teacher I will have to take a call as to what is relevant for my students. Here on I will be talking as a teacher and reiterating what Greg asked us to do in the class.

Based on the stories, the students need to use Inspiration to create a 'Concept Map' as to what they understood about the story. The teacher only gives them an over-view of what is expected. This will enable students to work on their creative skills. It will give them an insight into the fact that not everyone thinks the same way and that it is good to be different.

As can be seen from the concept map that I have created, my view of the story is more literal. I have chosen to use the same characters as in the story and have used clip art instead of the original graphics from the story board.

However, a colleague of mine chose to use the characters from the story board and created a concept map that is a 'visual treat' to the eyes. Another colleague chose to create a concept map that was a combination of the characters from the story board as well as the clip art from Inspiration that is very colourful.

Inspiration tools are excellent for enabling a student to 'go wild' with his/her imagination. The possibilities are immense especially when they discover the use of the 'Print Screen' button on their keyboard. This button helps them to paste a 'Screen shot' of their work onto any Microsoft document and then 'Copy-Paste' it onto their Inspiration document.

Limitations to working on Inspiration are based on the individual and not on the software. However, as a teacher I notice that once a person has figured out the possibilities of Inspiration, he/she will stretch his/her skills from then on.